Our company has a wide variety of cargo parts that are used on Commercial aircraft & Military aircraft.
Boeing - 737, 747, 747-400F, 757, 767, 767-300F, 777, 777F, 787
Airbus - A300, A310, A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A350, A380
Bell Boeing - V-22 Osprey helicopter
Sikorsky - CH-53K Stallion helicopter
Lockheed - C-130 / C-5

Aero-Glide™ aircraft
cargo rollers
The Aero-Glide™ tray mounted cargo rollers, over one hundred thousand cargo rollers have been sold and installed on major aircraft carriers since 2002 with no returns, no service problems, no acknowledgement of failures of any kind, nor acknowledgement of any Aero-Glide™ aircraft cargo roller wearing out due to onboard service.